By the late 14th century, Milan had become a centralized monarchy under the control of the Visconti family.
"land of the four quarters") or Inca Empire was a centralized monarchy.
The Early imperial era was marked by a strong, unified and centralized monarchy, though local officials still maintained limited autonomy.
Their system of affiliation was a kind of federation, different from the strong, centralized European monarchies.
Muawiyah also established the Umayyad caliphate which was a centralized monarchy.
The rise of strong, centralized monarchies denoted the European transition from feudalism to capitalism.
That, too, became the task of engineers who, he said, worked for "very centralized monarchies pushing military technology."
Unification under Moscow had been accompanied by the creation of a powerful centralized monarchy.
Over time, the kabakas diluted the authority of the bataka, with Buganda becoming a centralized monarchy.
They called for a constitutional and centralized monarchy to prevent the possibility of provincial secessionism.