Everywhere you have artists - painters, mostly - struggling to find ways to control without suppressing the centrifugal energies of a revolutionary century, energies that would eventually break out of every traditional box.
Elliott Carter's Woodwind Quintet stood out in this company, with its thickly woven counterpoint and whirling centrifugal energy persuasively conveyed by the Bard Conservatory Woodwind Quintet.
Because the Eckart frame is non-inertial, the total kinetic energy comprises also centrifugal and Coriolis energies.
My favorite is in "The Raising of Lazarus," a small, not great picture, but densely packed with a kind of centrifugal energy coiling around the ungainly figure of Lazarus, who's green.
Now one cosmic idea leads to another and ideas once born generate their own centrifugal energy.
Across separate panels and multicolored grids, and in lively contrasting colors, these ellipses disintegrate into coiled lines and then big flamelike strokes, with a centrifugal energy that can seem cinematic.
In the best cases, alternately blended and crisply defined stripes arcing across the canvas create an optically pulsating, centrifugal energy, like the grooves of a spinning record or the rings of a distant planet (Johnson).
Mr. Conrad's striking first novel, "Underworld," counters this display of centrifugal energies.
In classical mechanics it is defined as the sum of the 'opposing' centrifugal potential energy with the potential energy of a dynamical system.
Today the economic centers can release their centrifugal energies without necessarily having to sprawl.