The party later became divided between its radical and centrist members, with some of the centrists forming the nucleus of the MAG.
The Oklahoma Democratic Party is made up of conservative, centrist and liberal members.
After the task force's 18 members remained stalemated for months, 9 of the group's more centrist members began negotiating among themselves before reaching an agreement on Monday.
Deans considers herself a centrist member of council but traditionally takes a Liberal stance on most issues.
The party, whose name means "change" in Hebrew, was founded in 1974, with both liberal and centrist members, as a secular party.
But centrist members praised the prime minister.
Most recently, he called a group of centrist members of Congress "spoiled brats."
Livingstone and the leftists became embroiled in factional in-fighting within Labour, vying for powerful positions with centrist members.
He offered a platform of tax cuts and deep cuts in Government spending - policies that more centrist members of his party found difficult to swallow.
In 2006 several younger centrist members also departed from the party.