It is also a time to reconnect with tradition, taking part in a centuries-old ritual that ushers in Lent.
Many of the town's children and teenagers seemed more entranced by the instant messaging and games on those machines than with the centuries-old ritual unfolding around them.
He felt cleansed by the centuries-old ritual of confession.
It is a centuries-old ritual that begins the rice planting season in the rich alluvial basin wedged between the Ticino and Po Rivers.
A centuries-old religious ritual based in the eastern village of Echternach, near the German border.
But that centuries-old ritual is starting to change.
The tournaments are filled with centuries-old rituals.
Past midnight, in groups of three, in a centuries-old ritual, they were brought by a Tuareg herder to drink.
It can be very daunting, especially for teenagers and young adults, who by nature often bridle at rules and may have little patience for centuries-old rituals.
"Drawing Restraint 9" is steeped not only in Japanese seafaring lore but also in centuries-old Japanese ritual, which is compared in the film's earliest scenes with more frivolous examples of contemporary pageantry.