Of the 13th century cloister today only the southern side and two bays remain.
It includes two 15th century cloister of the former Franciscan convent.
Of the original Romanesque edifice only the 12th century cloister and the bell tower remain.
Also worth a look is the huge 18th-century Neapolitan presepio, in a room off the tranquil 17th- century cloisters.
Many of the features of the friary are very well preserved, particularly the small 15th century cloister and sedilia.
Probably, the most outstanding element of the cathedral is its 13th century cloister.
The capitals supporting the 13th century cloister are in late Romanesque style.
At the right is the Casa Professa, with a 1685 portal and a precious 18th century cloister.
Sixteenth century cloister - Three galleries or pandas still remain.
The medieval character remains and the 12th century cloisters and church remain surprisingly intact.