The main street is closed to traffic, and residents and stall holders dress in 18th century costume.
These tend to be unofficial and informal affairs where pre-17th century costume, while always welcome, is not required.
He wore an eighteenth century costume of brown and gold velvet with white stockings and wig.
Later he focused on domestic and church interiors and portraits (people in 17th century costumes).
All were wearing eighteenth century costume.
Most of his work featured pretty women and handsome men in 18th century costumes, situated in market places.
People gather at a church on the site of the Pilgrims' original meeting house, in 17th century costume.
She has an interest in 16th century costume and culture.
Cavaleiros - A horseman or woman (rider), dressed in traditional 18th century costumes fights the bull from horseback.
The museum's collections include 17th century costumes.