In the early 19th century settlers who fit the modern term Hispanic came to the region.
At least two families are descendants of early 19th century settlers.
The Donner party was a group of 19th century American settlers heading west to California.
Most Chinese are descended from 18th-19th century settlers who came in search of trade and commerce opportunities.
It is believed that the inhabitants there descend from 18th century settlers of the Eruvessy region.
Historians agree that Maoris were often abysmally treated by 19th century settlers.
Later, in the early 19th century many Irish settlers arrived in the area.
In 1970 she wrote Pioneer Dances, inspired by the 19th century settlers of America.
Frenchtown originated from 19th century settlers who moved to the area from France.
Would it be fair to blame ninth century settlers, who knew nothing of science or ecological management?