The Reibsteins live in Estherwood, a century-old, neo-Renaissance mansion on the hilly, 96-acre campus of the Masters School in Dobbs Ferry.
Mansión Dandi Royal is a century-old mansion (0054 11 4361 3537;; from £55).
That purchase left the station officially independent of Upsala, but it is still housed in a century-old mansion on the East Orange campus.
Beverley Street north of Dundas has several century-old mansions on both sides of the street, some converted from residential to office uses, and others converted to multi-unit buildings.
Central to the campus is Choate House, a century-old mansion that has been refurbished as the Faculty-Administrative Center.
A number of stately, century-old Tudor-style mansions will be found among these newer additions, including Andrews, Tweed, Lynd, Marshall Field, and Slonim House.
Otherwise, footsteps echo hollow in the century-old mansion with an interior courtyard.
The interior of the century-old mansion at the Bailey Arboretum in Locust Valley is being revamped by 13 decorators.
To show the collecions, Mr. Smart made extensive renovations to the century-old mansion, lifting the ceiling and converting the home to French Provincial style.
ON a winding country road near here, a century-old mansion set in impeccably manicured grounds overlooking Lake Geneva houses what may be Switzerland's unlikeliest factory.