The storage bulb is in turn inside a microwave cavity made from a precisely machined copper or silver-plated ceramic cylinder.
She pushed aside her almost untouched dinner, poured herself a second cup of tea, and curled her fingers around the warmed ceramic cylinder.
The woman took a small ceramic cylinder from a cord about her neck and pressed it to the tablet that the scribe held out.
The tall ceramic cylinders were stacked in shadowy ranks, so thick they left only a small circle open in the center.
The heavy ceramic cylinder teetered, hit the ground, then fell.
Three types are shown (front to back): mica, ceramic cylinder, and dielectric.
Many French and American teapots come with infusers, which are perforated glass or ceramic cylinders in which to put the tea leaves.
He brandished an orange ceramic cylinder, no larger than an old universal translator.
The first usage of chocolate further than central Mexico was first used in ceramic cylinders for rituals.
Then, Rock held out his hand and the owner slipped a.25-caliber Colt pistol into it, along with a small ceramic cylinder.