The wide barrel makes it easy to add bounce, while the ceramic technology means faster styling and less frizz.
Nevertheless, these early sites were typical Archaic settlements, differing only in the use of basic ceramic technology.
However further study of their differing ceramic technologies over the years has led archaeologists to reclassify them as two separate cultures.
"Which is the greatest piece of ceramic technology in the history of the human race," said one of the women.
Up-to-date ceramic technology involves invention and design of new components and optimization of production process of complex structures.
Memorial Lecture, "Social needs and ceramic technology", to the American Ceramic Society.
In the past 30 years the design and manufacture of bone china has been considerably developed and today combines the latest in ceramic technology with craft skills.
Their experiments in ceramic technology revealed, for example, heretofore unsuspected techno-functional performance characteristics of traditional surface treatments and temper types.
The development of ceramic technology led to improved food management, better storage and cooking techniques.
In ceramic technology a cordon is a strip of clay added around the outside of a pot for decoration or to help with handling.