Alternately, the difference in sensitivity may be due to a difference in the cerebral functions or ability of the left and right hemisphere.
How smell interacts with other cerebral function in higher animals is not fully understood.
Altered cerebral function may also result in disordered language and difficulty in movements requiring dexterity.
But organically, Zala's cerebral functions are organized very differently.
His cerebral functions had deserted him.
The arcana of cerebral function seemed to fill their shelter, as if in thick smoke.
Studies in the mapping of cerebral function began with epilepsy patients here more than sixty years ago.
It is also extremely important to remember that underneath therapeutic paralysis lies unprotected cerebral function.
Across the bottom of the screen, the lines tracing the subject's respiratory and cerebral functions appeared.
Another doctor concurred: "The disturbance of the cerebral functions is ever more marked."