Stereotactic coordinates refer to the maximal activation indicated by the highest Z score in a particular cerebral structure.
He starts with the brain, analyzing in detail the cerebral and cerebellar structure of several animals including birds, crocodilians, and mammals.
Addendum: A succinct history of the controversy respecting the cerebral structure of Man and the apes p113-118.
Making use of high resolution MRI data, they found strong genetic connections correlations between cerebral structures.
Miss Silvers's strong suit is the ability to convey an exciting emotional undercurrent beneath a cerebral formal structure.
Leptazol, on the other hand, produces a similar tonic extension by an excitatory action predominantly on cerebral structures.
Morrison said with a sudden excitement, "Can you get his theories out of the recorded cerebral structure of his brain?"
These varying terms have arisen from the considerable anatomic variability both in the cerebral vascular structure and the territories of the brain that they supply.
For the full text of the Addendum, see s:The cerebral structure of man and apes.
Imagine the cerebral structures of Tool, the fearsome musical ...