In order to fully understand the purposes and principles of Odd Fellowship, instruction in ceremonial form is divided into degrees.
The language is notable for the phonological differences between formal and informal speech as well as a ceremonial form used in Samoan oratory.
They are "a more structurally organized and ceremonial form of the sport confined, of its very nature, to a specially devised structure."
Servile and even ceremonial forms of speech had temporarily disappeared.
The term hesitation step refers to a ceremonial form of walking.
In any event, the restoration of the monarchy, even in ceremonial form, is not regarded as a real possibility.
In it he argued from symbolic and ceremonial forms of bride kidnapping.
It is a ceremonial structural form that can be applied to several different kinds of buildings.
The serving of mint tea can take a ceremonial form, especially when prepared for a guest.
Largely the office has either been abolished as a mediaevalism, or retained in a purely ceremonial form.