"Bud says there's a religious ceremonial ground somewhere near here," Brian said.
It is a former village with a ceremonial ground, burial grounds, and refuse sites.
Petroglyph rock art and ancestral ceremonial grounds are located inside the park.
Once you're into the park, the ceremonial grounds come into view.
This medicine is intended for the physical and spiritual benefit of the members of the dance at the ceremonial ground.
Pregnant or menstruating women do not enter the dance circle at ceremonial grounds.
Mary had probably also inadvertently trespassed on an indigenous ceremonial ground normally taboo to women and children.
I believe that they may be part of a city wall or great ceremonial grounds with pyramids.
Traditional dances are held throughout the spring and summer months at ceremonial grounds.
What is now the park used to be a ceremonial ground and a gathering place for hunting expeditions.