He didn't even mind the tall ceremonial hat on the heavyset female in front of him.
The traditional representation of him as a bearded man wearing a gown and a ceremonial hat is based on the imagination of artists working 1,500 to 2,000 years after his death.
The name derives from their resemblance to a type of ceremonial hat.
About 100 feet above the altar are four ceremonial hats called galeros.
'It has an interesting history, since the sisters have historically embroidered the ceremonial hat of the Doge.'
Capirote in English means a tall, pointed ceremonial hat," or what used to be called a dunce cap.
After January 1939, party members wore uniforms (navy blue or white in color), with various ceremonial hats.
Creation of ceremonial golden hats in Central Europe.
A yanggwan is a ceremonial hat worn by Korean officials during events such as a wedding ceremony, prayer ceremony like that practiced on Chuseok, and other ceremonies.
Removes ceremonial tin-foil hat.