Batista sent her flowers and she was invited to throw a ceremonial pitch at Nationals Park on 30 July 2010.
A politician or two will limber up rusty arms to lob ceremonial first pitches.
The President's left-handed ceremonial first pitch was low and in the dirt.
The club ordered four times the regular amount of concessions and had six ceremonial first pitches.
When the Indians played their last game at the stadium, on Oct. 3, 1993, Harder threw the ceremonial final pitch.
During the ribbon-cutting ceremony, several politicians threw ceremonial pitches from the mound.
The question of the moment thus became could Presley throw more than a ceremonial pitch?
Ripken saw Clinton's ceremonial pitch as an omen.
This hasn't been a banner year for athletes delivering ceremonial first pitches.
The Taiwanese ambassador had thrown out a ceremonial first pitch.