Other ceremonial songs were received in visions, or taught as part of the men's initiations into a society for his age group.
Swaminarayan Arti- ceremonial song in the Swaminarayan tradition.
Costa Rica's pre-Columbian population has contributed a large part of the country's folk heritage, include rare musical scales, certain ceremonial songs and ocarinas.
Early musical traditions during the 17th and 18th century saw the emergence of more complex carols, away from the repetitive ceremonial songs.
His chance finally came on a night when his cousin asked him to stand in for him and finish playing what was left of the ceremonial songs.
The use of Skway Skway masks, ceremonial songs and dances and potlatching and feasting were common here.
There are three types of Sephardic songs-topical and entertainment songs, romance songs and spiritual or ceremonial songs.
The ceremonial song they sing is about empowerment.
The shows featured sacred, ceremonial songs, especially those of the famous bear-sending.
Villagers often attend the temple to do Puja, an offering to the gods, and Bajana, ceremonial songs.