While the president-elect's victory tour of Washington is a ceremonial tradition, this one was marked by strange political and historical cross-currents.
No ceremonial tradition exists for opening the Tomb of the Unknowns, but old formalities served to dignify a wrenching occasion.
Other ceremonial traditions have candles between the quarters, i.e. in the north-east, north-west and so on.
Their influence by the rich ceremonial traditions of Byzantium, the Orient and Renaissance Europe endured.
There are two main ceremonial traditions of Iron Cross each year.
Kirchner called the Church's tactics "medieval," and publicly snubbed the Church by declining to attend the Independence Day Mass, which is considered a ceremonial tradition.
While it is unclear whether such instruments were reserved for ceremonial traditions, it is certain that simple drums and whistles filled many houses in ancient Maya territories.
The Presidential inauguration on Jan. 20 will continue a ceremonial tradition that began when George Washington took the first oath of office in 1789.
In Wicca and other ceremonial magic traditions, although the term holy water is not normally used, a similar substance is produced when salt is mixed with water.
In African cultures, African Traditional Religions the ritual of pouring libation is an essential ceremonial tradition and a way of giving homage to the ancestors.