At the safe house I ceremoniously removed the leather jacket, shirt, denims and desert boots I had been wearing for the last five months; all items were placed in a black plastic bag, never to be used again.
Baroness Jan Royall ceremoniously removes a sign and yellow ribbon from an oak, but warns "this is not necessarily the end" of the battle.
The man then asked us to get up as he ceremoniously removed one of his shoes and hammered the nail into the armrest with the heel of the shoe.
Demolition of the building began at 1:00 P.M. on January 6, 1926, as National Press Club President Henry L. Sweinhart ceremoniously removed a brick from the existing building.
Offended by the manager's disregard for the three customers' dignity, Sammy ceremoniously removes his store apron and bow tie and resigns on the spot, despite the mention by the manager of the pain this would cause his parents.
The duke himself had his limbs ceremoniously removed.
Ceremoniously removing the lids of these, the lawyer displayed in turn four jewels, each the size of a marrow-fat pea, each nestled in a pad of dark blue velvet, the better to set off its brilliance.