On Muto Kato there was a ceremony designed to welcome babies to life, dating from the time when a local disease made human pregnancies difficult.
They received plaques and hospital officials spoke at a ceremony designed to mark the unusually large donations.
At a ceremony designed to demonstrate his solidarity with the city's working men, he somehow managed to set his hair alight with a blowtorch.
Following the style of Trujillo, these highly visible projects were very publicized over government-controlled media and through grandiose public ceremonies designed to enhance Balaguer's popularity.
Why disguise the failure of earlier marriages by getting wed in discreet suits, in ceremonies designed not to call attention to themselves?
The ceremony designed by the Reverends Conte and Gioia meant to mark the ending of a marriage is nothing new (Sunday, May 14).
Prince Dutiful kept a lordly reserve, apparently not noticing that his intended had not yet seen fit to join the ceremony designed to honour her departure.
And that ridiculous ceremony, almost designed to reopen the wound in her soul.
Yagyas are ceremonies designed to restore the balance between the individual and the environment.