This annual ceremony recognizes both department employees and others for their dedication to carrying out the Department of Justice s mission.
The ceremony took place in the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Baltimore, Maryland, and recognized Hackett's outstanding service to the papacy and the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
The recent University of Chicago Argonne, LLC Awards ceremony recognized Argonne employees for their distinguished performance, outstanding service, educational accomplishments and contributions to safety.
Valley Forge was honored by being planted on the grounds of the nation's capitol at a ceremony in June recognizing the nearly 70-year contribution to horticultural science made by the scientists at the National Arboretum.
The first awards were presented on January 12, 1998, with eighty individuals recognized, and the next year's ceremony recognized one hundred and fifty people.
A ceremony last Sunday at the Neuberger recognized those who had done outstanding work in the program, which is supported financially by the Westchester philanthropists, Donald and Jane Cecil.
In November 2007 a ceremony officially recognized the CFPM assuming command of the Canadian Forces Military Police Group.
The ceremony recognized the accomplishments of musicians and other figures within the Christian music industry for the year 2011.
A1 The installation of Japan's Emperor will be marked by ancient rituals and customs, but for the first time in history the ceremony will recognize the Japanese people as sovereign over the Emperor.
The annual ceremony recognises quality and achievement in all aspects of personnel advertising and is judged by representatives from the advertising industry.