They have in common with the detainees a certain anxiety about how long they will spend here.
At any rate, according to the newspapers, there is a certain anxiety about fiction in Italy.
They claim that the act of expressing a certain anxiety or desire is reparative in itself.
This medication is used to treat certain anxiety and panic disorders.
But a certain anxiety entered the swimsuit parade with one camera angle, which showed some of the women from the back.
"There's a certain anxiety they can create in you," Agassi said of the foreign fans.
What holds him back is a certain anxiety of influence; with Schwartz as a friend, who could possibly hold the foreground?
He saw Baley and a certain anxiety passed from his round face, leaving behind it a look of growing thunder.
There's a certain anxiety that goes along with these tests.
His audience at the bar had increased despite certain anxieties among them over his affiliation.