Contrary to certain appearances, liberals do not have a monopoly on thickheadedness.
But I determined to soldier on, alone, which accounted for the delays in certain appearances onstage.
"It creates a certain appearance that we don't want to create."
He would have preferred a far less expensive hotel, but there were certain appearances to be kept up.
The desire of the patient and family for the patient to be able to participate in activities such as sports or have a certain appearance.
During certain appearances in the court, Chávez appeared drugged and maybe tortured.
Besides all the practicing, there is the need to affect a certain appearance.
But he said he had heard that some foster families "will not take a child if a child has a certain appearance."
The designation is more cultural than racial, and is not limited to some certain physical appearance.
He had a certain appearance to uphold here--usually not the case on his own bridge.