Although not a major character, Yasuo appears fairly often, even having starring roles in certain chapters.
For Aramaic, it especially refers to that form which is found in certain chapters of Daniel.
But he noted that they are concentrated in certain chapters and said "the book's argument comes across clearly despite them."
We were told to prepare certain chapters for the exam but I do not feel like studying.
If he recommended me to read a certain chapter of the Bible he would add very seriously - "it will do you good."
Ten black-and-white line drawings sporadically appear throughout the publication to illustrate the action in a certain chapter.
Civil Rights legislation finished the job that started with the granting of exemptions to certain chapters.
So, in actuality, only five parts remain, and of these parts, certain chapters have not been accounted for.
Keldric obtains Flammie's help after a certain chapter in the game.
Modern Irish history seems to be one never ending story; it's never said that a certain chapter is closed.