There are certain clothes we feel comfortable in and which we would wear in preference to all others.
He fumbled with the unfamiliar clothes, not certain how they went on.
It is the same for bread, certain clothes and a whole range of other goods sold through ordinary shops.
Or why certain clothes may be O.K. in contained situations but not for everyday wear?
"We can't arrest people for wearing certain clothes."
It's quite normal for teenagers to want to copy their friends - whether it's wearing certain clothes or listening to a particular type of music.
Millions of taxpayers have to wear certain clothes to work that may not be worn much otherwise.
Some autistic children find certain clothes uncomfortable or make a ritual of wearing the same thing.
By the end of the year, she topped the annual Hot 100 list, saying, "we had fun working with certain clothes, or the lack thereof."
He knows, as we do, that certain clothes, manners, forms of speech, opinions and gestures hang together, while others do not.