During the 1980s, especially in Britain, the farming community received large monetary incentives to reduce production of certain crops.
Special greenhouse varieties of certain crops, such as tomatoes, are generally used for commercial production.
UV rays can damage certain crops, like rice, which many people in the world rely on for food.
Native gardeners are as or more successful than most scientific farmers in raising certain crops.
Financial help is also available to exporters of certain crops.
Was there any discussion on the effectiveness of certain crops?
Also, certain crops cannot be effectively stored together, as unwanted chemical interactions can result.
Clearly, for certain crops, especially grain, the grasshoppers in 1855 had been devastating.
It is used in postemergence applications to certain crops which are resistant to its action.
If a character has become good enough friends with the player, he will give the player a recipe in exchange for a certain crop.