These were people who expected a certain decorum and they wanted everything just so.
But always before when I was discussing a novel in progress, my listeners observed a certain decorum.
You were supposed to be improvising but only within strict confines, with a certain decorum.
The Passion, dealing with Jesus' last hours and death, must preserve a certain decorum.
Until the Bush team came to power, foreign relations were conducted with a certain gentlemanly decorum.
We believe in maintaining a certain decorum, keeping a tight rein on our behavior.
There is a certain decorum in the body-piercing business.
A certain decorum must be observed for a man in my position, certainly you understand.
"We have a certain decorum here in the South, so I just said thank you and turned away," she explains.
IT used to be that viewing works of art was an experience marked by a certain decorum.