I think it would also be smart of them to demonstrate to the companies that buy ads that for certain demographics, their typical approach isn't as useful.
This statistic was even higher for certain demographics - for example, 56% of American Indian transgender respondents had attempted suicide.
Broadcasters know or predict the times at which certain demographics will be listening to or watching their programs and play them at that time.
Some meetings are known as dual-identity groups which encourage attendance from certain demographics.
I think it says a lot about the visible presence of certain demographics in society as opposed to others.
"The 696 risk assessment form seems to rely on the assumption certain demographics and genres are more prone to violence"
Another focus is whether the industry draws from the full cross-section of British society, not just certain demographics.
The first five VJs were selected to match certain demographics.
This lets the campaign know what messages work best with certain demographics and what messages should be avoided.
Such information may be useful for groups that look for certain demographics and may thus make the list more valuable.