An individual company's share of the market shrinks, but the overall market can grow if a certain design becomes a standard.
I forced my mind away from that, searching out certain elegant designs in the parquetry flooring.
Some even had a few kind words for certain small details in certain designs.
Engine width can be excessive for even two cylinder engines of certain designs.
And some antique pieces, like certain 19th-century English designs, can be less expensive than custom-made environmentally sound furniture.
Several designer labels also withdrew certain designs from the market after they became associated with casuals.
To be able to optimize a certain design, communication between these tools is required.
Furthermore, architectures of control can be far more specific in terms of certain designs.
Modern science could only have come from a belief that there was a God who had made all things to a certain design.
Occasionally, however, certain designs stand out in this rather homogeneous crowd, thanks to an unusual combination of features.