There is similar difference of opinion as regards the statement that Archelaus formulated certain ethical doctrines.
You don't have time to think of reforming a certain doctrine.
Church groups still oppose certain doctrines in biology and psychology, but even this opposition no longer dominates scientific bodies or journals.
Many Protestant Christian groups hold that only believers which believe in certain fundamental doctrines know the true pathway to salvation.
However, its doctrine is still unclear, since it supports certain leftist doctrines, such as increasing taxes for companies.
The fact that certain doctrines have been held as truth for many years by our people, is not a proof that our ideas are infallible.
Devic kingdom, mystical beings described in certain doctrines, religions and popular culture.
The problem is that, although certain doctrines may have licensed scientific inquiry, others within the same tradition could stifle it.
In order to rationalize how far each jurisdiction may use its authority, certain doctrines have been devised by the courts:
This is certain theological doctrine, taught by the Church.