And while he could never speak against the rightful Mage-Imperator, never disobey Jora'h's instructions, Udru'h could plan for certain eventualities.
I am giving you the credit of desiring above all to save your kinsfolk, young and old, from certain highly unpleasant eventualities.
Some of his fellow journalists considered that his conduct exposed all journalists in Rhodesia to the charge of being combatants - and being treated accordingly in certain eventualities such as capture.
The very nature of meth, silth, and the silth ideal made certain eventualities inevitable.
The way things started, I became convinced that a certain eventuality had been foredoomed from the moment I'd opened my front door.
Yet I was not wholly relaxed, for there were certain possible eventualities that could put the dog in jeopardy.
Vassalaro probably does not know that he transgresses a law in writing threatening letters and that should be a very strong weapon in your hand in certain eventualities.
Things haven't been very settled lately and I thought I would like to make a new will-in view Delicious Death of certain eventualities.
Due to malfunctions in the mechanism, certain eventualities, which, under normal circumstances, could never possibly come to pass, are now in full swing.
I have arranged with Adam certain signals which may be necessary if certain eventualities occur.