New York brings out the best in certain athletes with a certain gleam in their eye.
That brought a certain wary gleam to Sulien's face and Pernel's.
But when the subject is baking, a certain gleam in his eyes, a lilt in his voice, betray not just interest but passion.
But there was a certain sprightly gleam hi his eye as he held the lantern aloft.
Now he shrugged again, but there was a certain gleam in his dark eyes as he replied.
That, plus that certain gleam in his eyes was enough to tell her that it wouldn't be a very good plan to encourage him.
That sentence made the grin widen, and take on a certain conspiratorial gleam.
Dontsova couldn't see him very well at the moment, but for the last two years she'd noticed a certain gleam of detachment in his unswerving gaze.
He lacked only spurs that jingled jangled jingled - and a certain gleam in the eye.
"Mr. Worf," Riker said, "you look like a man with a certain gleam in his eye."