To make the game more interesting players can create certain hazards or obstacles that the players must avoid hitting while making their shot.
While trying to close the doors, the player must avoid certain hazards.
It seemed to me that Rhodan employed their powers a bit too casually-and in this there were certain hazards.
Food industry: The possibility that due to a certain hazard in food there will be an negative effect to a certain magnitude.
The thing is that there are certain hazards in this business.
Suburbs present certain hazards for foxes, motor vehicles being a major one.
For art dealers - urban creatures, as a rule - it is also a trip that comes with certain hazards.
These resources provide in-depth information on the destructive forces of certain hazards and techniques for building disaster-resistant structures.
Protective laws were enacted to protect women from certain hazards or difficulties of paid work.
But the knowledge comes with certain hazards.