In addition, some English translations offer liner notes or in-game text to explain certain Japanese idiosyncrasies.
Similarly, some of the translations have certain idiosyncrasies of punctuation that are expressive, but somewhat alienating to children.
THERE are certain idiosyncrasies in a building that is 150 years old.
"It has certain idiosyncrasies, especially the expressions on the faces, that set it apart."
Apparently there were certain personal idiosyncrasies that did not enhance the image, four wives paramount among them.
As with any diverse group of people who band together to play a kid's game, certain idiosyncrasies manifested themselves over the course of a season.
The city's buildings create shifty winds, but there are certain idiosyncrasies she has come to rely on - like the waterfront sugar factory.
But over the course of a body of work, certain idiosyncrasies reveal themselves.
The browser also has certain idiosyncrasies: many toolbars and icons are enabled by default.
The collective behaviour of all the inhabitants as well as certain idiosyncrasies and possibly even eccentricities can make some contribution to the overall design.