But he had something most Iraqis did not: a certain immunity to fear.
Or perhaps established literary figures enjoy a certain immunity from such cranky zeal.
Mind you, after enduring several years of such verbal battery at close range, he'd acquired a certain immunity.
It builds in a certain immunity to the scientific frame of mind.
There was, after all, a certain immunity connected with the uniform.
The US economy goes through a crisis every 10 years, and has even developed a certain immunity.
It being my belief that those who live here have developed over the generations a certain "immunity" to such things that I lack here.
"I have a certain immunity," Sledge told him gravely.
Our peculiar weather conditions would never have killed her, but in exchange for that protection, her body relinquished certain other immunities.
And whatever he let out of the studio had a certain immunity from the risks that bigger artists take.