Cut back on obligations: Promote a certain elegant looseness in life.
A certain looseness of the skin around the jowls, visible through a scraggly beard, gave the impression that his face had once been plump.
The risk of Friedman's essay is a certain looseness.
These flaws, along with a certain looseness in the narrative joints, can probably be chalked up to the book's long gestation.
And so I think a certain looseness in our arrangements is appropriate.
He had the vaguely good-natured expression so often found on fat people, a certain bland, almost foolish, looseness of the facial muscles.
Prince Hotaru had long been known for a certain looseness and inconstancy.
But there's also a certain looseness to the music, which makes it seem slightly - and pleasingly - out of control.
A certain looseness in joints and transitions could have resulted as much from the orchestra's three days away from the program as from fresh leadership.
The fact that a new choreographer was working on the dances, virtually right up until the opening night, explains, I assume, a certain looseness in the show's pacing.