Long before then, certain manufacturers had attempted to use advertising to establish their brand as higher quality.
First, certain small manufacturers for biobased product marketing and certification purposes.
Some sitars by certain manufacturers fetch very high collectible prices.
Usually, a player seeks out a certain manufacturer because of the sound associated with its instruments.
By the time of the Second World War certain manufacturers were established.
Only a limited number of models from certain manufacturers were made with these interfaces, and often came at a premium price.
But, according to Kids, at least one competitor has felt threatened enough to try to get certain manufacturers to stop supplying the company.
Should the government always need to have a certain insight into what a certain manufacturer does, and how can this be monitored?
In addition, certain manufacturers use asbestos as a competitive tool against safe but more expensive substitutes.
We are aware that the decision may be felt to be onerous for certain manufacturers.