The Bouteillan is vulnerable to certain pests, but has a good resistance to cold.
Vulnerable to certain biological pests, it is highly resistant to cold and drought.
Certain varieties of roses are naturally more resistant or immune than others to certain pests and diseases.
Though vulnerable to certain pests, it is relatively resistant to cold and drought.
This could happen should genetically altered plants become weeds, or should insects designed to eat certain pests develop a taste for others.
The Bt genes are a code for assembling proteins that can kill certain pests while having no effect on beneficial insects and animals.
Vulnerable to certain biological pests, it is relatively tolerant of cold.
You can also protect them from certain pests and diseases, to which annuals can be more susceptible.
This promising approach to pest control is in its infancy, but varieties that are less attractive to certain pests are constantly being developed and tested.
Various weather conditions in a given amount of time cause certain pests to invade human households.