The timing of certain critical publications has also been considered provocative.
Activision doesn't send out early code for these games, and it only invites certain publications on junkets.
Many ask if I have any contacts at certain publications or if they can use my name as a reference.
While the game received high praise, certain publications voiced complaints.
If the Board finds a certain publication to be obscene, it can be prohibited for a period of time.
Personally, I would say measuring the brainprint of a certain publication, or even that of the whole media sector, is impossible.
They only preserved a few copies of certain publications kept under lock in a few libraries, unavailable to the public.
Composers and their publishers own certain publication and performance rights, but even these are threatened by new technologies.
Every depository library is required to have certain publications available for use.
Reading certain publications and watching the evening news was like intellectual calisthenics.