After seven seasons, "Seinfeld" can be forgiven a certain recklessness.
Courage and a certain recklessness are required to conquer it.
There is a certain recklessness about this, as there is throughout these essays.
There can be no doubt that it does enable many a timid soul to get through life with a certain recklessness.
I believe I added a certain recklessness to the mix.
Chief Moose suggested a certain recklessness on the part of the gunman, for one of the shootings was directly across from a police station.
For women, however, cellulite has been synonymous with weakness, a certain recklessness and a lack of control incompatible with authority.
The accompanist embodied a certain recklessness of love that they had not possessed since their youth.
Also, possibly more important, passion and a certain recklessness.
They seem to revel in a certain recklessness.