The territory, in which, even six months ago, life must have had a certain regularity and sweetness, was now experiencing an apocalypse.
It happened with a certain regularity because these devices were so complicated.
At present, we've identified the recurrence of 'vile vortices' where Darkfall happens with a certain regularity.
However, there are special cases of models, which rarely exist in nature, when the topologies exhibit certain regularities that the solutions become easier to find.
Indeed, the demands of the magazine enforced certain regularity in Rabindranath's writing and over the years he contributed enormously to it.
It treats subjects as technology, ecology and religion with certain regularity.
This is possible because human languages show certain linguistic regularities.
Nothing seemed particularly noteworthy, except for a certain regularity to the forms--which, she abruptly realized, was what had bothered her a few minutes earlier.
Admittedly, there is a certain dependable regularity to White House pratfalls.
Instead of eliminating these wholesale, we may wish to retain some, and, indeed, to introduce certain regularities where they do not exist.