There was a certain respectability about wartime prostitution.
Similarly, Vogue must be careful not to alienate longtime readers who expect a certain elegant respectability.
While the cross-dressing hookers haven't vanished altogether, the area has achieved a certain respectability and cachet.
Being a white man in South Africa used to mean having a steady job, a house, a car, a certain respectability.
They would cut it out if they could, except for the fact that it adds a certain respectability.
He was recruited when Wilfred was going through a more orthodox phase, I suppose to give Toyn-ton Grange a certain religious respectability.
Its customers had a certain rough-hewn respectability - they might murder each other in an easygoing way, as between equals, but they didn't do it vindictively.
Being a widower lends a certain respectability to my life-style!
Such terms as 'idiot' and 'imbecile'have even attained a certain respectability, to be joined no doubt in time, by such terms as 'moron'and 'cretin'.
But income inequality, offspring now of the stock market, has acquired a certain respectability: the budget surpluses depend on it.