To be sure, Slovenia has a certain modest scale.
Upon a certain scale, it has value, as does even the most painful of remembrances, and on another, I have a right to bear it.
"As knowledge grows and fields grow, we need more faculty, you need a certain scale," Bollinger says.
To learn scales, to apply myself to certain scales.
Getting into certain scales and saying, 'What happens if I don't play a third?
A horizontal distance from home plate can be easily measured by the spotter since the map is of a certain scale.
A specific culture invented them for its purposes, to play certain scales and accommodate certain systems of harmony.
"We were already doing it on a certain scale: providing lists of elder attorneys and contacts we knew that have a good reputation."
All major companies have rules which permit investments below a certain scale to be undertaken at divisional level without head-office approval.
His last paintings, if not groundbreaking like the early ones, achieve a certain scale despite their modest size.