Donations to an individual's church or congregation were limited due to the rejection by certain Protestant sects of icons.
"Christianity is my field of study, Robert, and there are certain sects who wear their hearts on their sleeves."
If he is a Jain of a certain sect, he goes dressed only in empty space.
First, we need a new government whose officials are in power based on qualifications rather than loyalty to a certain sect, political party or ethnic group.
Long ago, certain sects of humans on Earth had believed that Adam was the first man created.
Within Hinduism, there are more distinguishing scenarios in certain sects.
Historically, certain sects considered it acceptable for a woman to be imam.
I also believe that we must combat the attacks on personal rights perpetrated by certain 'sects'.
Just days before Stalin's death, certain religious sects were outlawed and persecuted.
While this may have some truth in certain sects, for most modern-day witches it is quite far from their actual beliefs and practices.