Previously, The Shadow had noted a certain shrewdness in the chauffeur's expression.
I'm not without a certain shrewdness in these matters, you know.
Yet there is vulnerability, warmth and a certain shrewdness behind the noise.
Pre232 paratory to leaving the kitchen, he delivered an ultimatum - the ultimatum of a man who, though usually inarticulate, had a certain shrewdness.
His choice showed a certain shrewdness.
He didn't have the ferretlike quickness and bright eyes of Mon Hartog, but there was a certain shrewdness about him.
He paused, eyeing Roland with a certain sour shrewdness.
Arridaios stared at him with alarm, followed by a certain shrewdness.
It seemed to me that his way of treating the facts showed a certain shrewdness.
"I think," replied Wotton, with a certain genuine shrewdness that lay very deep in him, "that I could always really tell the difference."