There is a certain symbolism in Norman Kramer's coffeecake, or, more precisely, in its absence.
After all, throwing your wedding ring into the toilet and then pushing the flush did suggest a certain vulgar symbolism.
Does it have a certain symbolism, do you think?
I notice you employ a certain seeming symbolism that resembles that of the Tarot deck.
These patterns are generally not according to taste, but are derived from sacred ornaments with certain symbolism.
And while sports continues to hold a certain symbolism in society, there are today many areas much more important in which to place your pickets.
There seemed to be a certain symbolism there, because from that moment on, I was the jealous outsider.
It is a good agreement, it has a certain symbolism and it has considerable political implications.
At the time of the construction of Aberedw, castles were built for a certain symbolism.
I remember I flung away the cigar with a certain wasteful symbolism.