As an example, we consider a glass square of a certain thickness (with a letter "F" written on it, just to make the different positions discriminable).
Sitting around in air, the oxide grows to a certain thickness and then usually slows down greatly, almost stops.
Such burning also works only when oil is corralled to a certain thickness.
The blade end needed a certain thickness for strength and couldn't penetrate very far into the wood.
Glass can be "double rolled", which means it is passed through two cylinders at once to yield glass of a certain thickness (approximately 3/16".)
Typically these transducers use a predetermined frequency, however certain thickness gauges allow for frequency tuning in order to inspect a wider range of material.
Hong Kong forbids retailers from giving plastic bags under a certain thickness and for free.
HDPE as raw material, and blow to be a cylindrical film with certain thickness by film blowing machine.
For bassoon reeds, tubes of this cane are first split lengthwise then gouged to a certain thickness.
The indentations require a certain thickness, so they are more frequently used on thicker, softer blades, rather than on thin, hard ones.