Some promoters appear to act with specific initiators or only on certain tissues, while others act more generally.
Some genes turn other genes on and off at certain times or in certain tissues of the body.
The technique may also be used to create artificial cilia, the tiny hairs that line certain tissues and control the movement of fluids around them.
In contrast, the expression of CD126 is restricted to certain tissues.
This protein may be involved in regulating cell shape in certain tissues.
The normal flora is also essential in the development of certain tissues, including the cecum and lymphatics.
Urine must be collected for many days to recover all of a given dose because the drug binds avidly to certain tissues.
We find that all the enzymes needed to accomplish the oxidation reactions are confined to certain tissues.
Well, that could cause spontaneous decay in certain tissues.
It is excreted in the urine and found in certain tissues.