Because the symptoms of fibromyalgia can come and go, you may find it hard to judge whether a certain treatment is really working.
Its results give no absolute indicator of the value of a certain treatment.
Using those patterns, marketers set rules telling the system to give a certain treatment to a particular category of customers.
Würtz here is opposed to certain treatment he judges as wrong.
Specific instructions about certain treatments may be given to the agent in the durable power of attorney for health care, but they are not required.
Keep in mind that if you get better after using a certain treatment, the treatment is not always the reason for the improvement.
Some of these have to do with whether you want certain treatments.
Furthermore, we cannot declare a certain treatment to be experimental.
A specific circumstance when the use of certain treatments could be harmful.
You might not think to ask why your doctor recommends a certain treatment or if other options are available.