He gestured, and Kero took her place at his side, though not without a certain trepidation.
Still, though our total report was accepted, I noted that sundry lords of the north now looked at me with a certain trepidation.
Under the enthusiasm a certain trepidation gnawed at me: Would I be able to do the job, and do it well?
One still accepts an invitation to lunch in Docklands with a certain trepidation.
Some riders interviewed yesterday acknowledged feeling a certain trepidation each time they slid into the back seat.
The man bowed greeting between kin, a certain trepidation marking the gesture.
Given this history, a certain wary trepidation is understandable.
Although I am fond of sleeping, and do it very well, I approach my bed with a certain trepidation.
It was what she had wanted, of course, but she felt a certain trepidation at facing Michael like this.
Which didn't mean he approached her trips to the range without a certain trepidation.